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B&T BactoSplash (Beneficial Bacteria)

B&T BactoSplash (Beneficial Bacteria)




Quantity must be 1 or more
Sale price
Rs. 309.00
Regular price
Rs. 423.00

BNT’s BACTOSPLASH nitrifying bacteria allows for the instant addition of fish, as it immediately starts the natural aquarium cycle with beneficial bacteria, BactoSplash contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria which aids in breaking down of waste organics, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.??BACTOSPLASH activates the ecosystem in the aquarium when starting up a new system (shortens the aquarium “set-up-phase”), after cleaning and after changing filtration media, after microbiological impairment due to medical treatment, in case of an imbalance in the ecosystem (ammonium/ammonia, nitrite, nitrate), for regular fortification of the ecosystem (fortnightly application recommended). BACTOSPLASH nitrifying bacteria may be used in both fresh and saltwater aquariums.

Fast reduction of toxic ammonia and nitrite level in the target medium.
Helps complete the nitrogen cycle within the target eco-systems.
Aids in Treating New Tank Syndrome.
Liquefies dead cell of phytoplankton and organic sediments.
Naturally controls phytoplankton bloom during the culture period.
Stabilizes pH during day and night.
Works in both SALTY and FRESH water
Keeps aquarium water crystal clear
Reduces BOD/COD, thereby increasing dissolved oxygen for higher survival rate of the inhabitants.

Direction of Usage:
Shake Well Before Usage
First time usage: 5ml for 100 Litres
Weekly dosage of 2.5ml per 100 Litres

For Aquarium Usage Only
Keep Out of Reach of Children's & Pets.
Store in a cool & Shady Place away from Direct Sunlight (Do not Store above 40C)



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