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Intan - Breeder & Grower Food - B3
Intan - Breeder & Grower Food - B3

Intan - Breeder & Grower Food - B3


Fish food


Quantity must be 1 or more
Sale price
Rs. 130.00
Regular price
Rs. 187.00

Intan Breeder & Grower Food - B3 (Slow Sinking Crumble), a Highly Nutritious Ornamental Fish Food with 46% protein, is scientifically formulated to provide complete nutrition from the fry to the grow-out stage for both Viviparous & Oviparous fish. This formulation ensures healthy growth & promotes proper feeding habits from the very start. The soft, nutritious crumbles are specially crafted to meet the nutritional needs of every growing stage for all oviparous fry & some small viviparous species, such as guppies, tangerines, platies, etc. The range of feeds, B1, B2, B3, & B4, cater to all stages of development from fry to semi-adult.

- The first food for all oviparous fry, as well as some small viviparous such as guppy, tangerine, swordtail, etc
- The transition to B2 takes 10/20 days after B1 after the fish have grown large enough to accept a bigger crumble size
- Ensure the tiny fry are also fed appropriately by feeding them a little bit of B1 in addition
- Once the fish has reached the stage of growth required by B2, the fish is ready to accept the B3 size of the crumble.
- Additionally, some B2 feed can be given along with B3 as some smaller fry still may require B2. Sort the babies sizewise before starting B3 to prevent cannibalism
- After B3, when the fish can accept a bigger crumble, B4 is the next step in the feeding regimen. It is important to sort the babies sizewise before starting B4 to prevent cannibalism

Feeding instructions: Wet the feed so that it absorbs water before feeding the fry. The feed should be consumed within a few minutes. Feed carefully & watch for stomach bulges. Start with a small amount of feed & increase it gradually. Do not overfeed. Feed your fish again once you notice that the feed has been digested & the stomach is empty.



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